
I've neglected my blog.

It's not like anyone reads it, but I still feel like a terrible person. But not really.

I'm not going to rant, scream, tell people they're stupid (too much), but I will say one thing. We as a society must learn to make a commitment and stick to it. Too often I find people [in general] who make plans and then break them at the last second. It's irritating.

What's more is that there are some people who take it one step further into the realm of relationships. They like to jerk people around, take them on an emotional rollercoaster if you will. It's not fair. I'm not trying to sound whiny, but it's not fair to the person on the other side of things. It needs to stop, but I know it won't. I know it won't because it gives people the attention they crave from other people because they didn't get it somewhere along the developmental line.

How can someone calmly, seemingly without emotion, drag someone along like that then snub out that glimmer of, let's call it...hope. If you think about it, that has to be a seriously insecure human being.

--I'm switching gears.--

I have a friend who is an amazing young woman. Sure, she can be a little flighty sometimes, but she wouldn't be her if she wasn't. (Tracking along ok?) I've known her since Kindergarten and we've gone through a lot. The one thing we have in common is picking guys who are losers. Granted, she dated an awesome guy for four years, so she's miles ahead of me. Either way, it's always fun to catch up and bitch about the guys who have wronged us and pine for those young men who have caught our fancy but we know we could never have. Well, she has the opportunity to have what she wants. A guy who is totally cool, fits her personality perfectly, they get along great, but there's a hitch. His best friend would flip a shizznit if they ever dated.

My question throughout all this is such: Should she cause herself heartache and stay away because one guy had his chance and lost it, but now his friend has a chance and could take it? Or should she go for what she wants and force the other young man to deal with it.

It seems to me she should go for it and damn the consequences. The other dude needs to grow up sometime and it's been made clear he won't do it on his own, so he needs a catalyst of sorts. I don't know, call me heartless, but I'm tired of watching my friends pine for people they can have, but don't seem to want to go after because of someone else in the way. Now. I'm not advocating cheating, because that's wrong. Very, very wrong. If the two people are single, fair game. If they're not, stay away. Stay VERY FAR AWAY.

My fingers are numb. I'm done.
Over and out.