
Why is God so good to us?

When you think about it, he has every right to be angry. We've spurned him time and time again, and yet, he loves us all the more. He loves to see us light up when something goes the right way. He watches our emotions run rampant through our minds and our bodies and yearns to help us but we don't let him. He's a good father who wants the best for his kids even when we're ungrateful for everything he's given us. He gave us this amazing universe that is constantly being filled with new and exciting things for us to discover. He gave us this [once] perfect little planet for us to steward and care for. He gave us family and community to enjoy and endure trials and joys with. He gave us the capacity for intimacy with someone we'll spend our lives with. Why? Because he is good and just.

This is a short one, but I feel it gets the point across fairly well. God loves us too much and is too good to us because that is his nature. Perfect and fulfilling.

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