
To be or not to be.

What does it look like in your life to be satisfied? I tend to think 'I'm happiest when I'm satisfied with something'. If this is the case, wouldn't it be a really good idea to be satisfied completely in God? He doesn't let people down, he's not a disappointment, and he definitely doesn't get the credit he deserves the majority of the time.

The word satisfy means " to fulfill the desires, expectations, needs, or demands of (a person, the mind, etc.); give full contentment to". The original word is "satisfier" from the old french "Satisfaire" from the Latin "Satisfacere" meaning "to discharge fully, comply with, make amends, literally: do enough." This comes from "satis" (enough) and facere (perform). Satis + Facere = enough + perform

So if "Satisfy" literally means to 'perform enough', and God always out-performs our expectations, doesn't it make logical sense to be satisfied in him? John Piper says it best (I think) when he says "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him".

Essentially what he is saying is when we're satisfied with God, it shows. Other people see it. They see us as Christians being happy and satisfied and they wonder what is so different about us that we can have THAT kind of joy. The only difference is Jesus.

Habakkuk's name means "embrace" or "struggle". How fitting that the book he wrote has to do with his struggle with the evil in this world.

It's not unnatural to look around at the world, just as he did, and wonder "God, where are you in this?" The key is to know and understand that God didn't make the world like this, we did. We threw ourselves into this mess when our first parents listened to Satan.

[p.s this is mostly ramblings...therefore, no commenting]